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In this paper, I explored what writing means to me.  I examined this meaning through a reflective paper that takes the reader through my life, from elementary school to the present and eventually future.  In both formats, I left my reflective comments so that you can see my thoughts and how they developed through the writing process.

I have always been an avid reader of books; as a child I would oftentimes read the books about Disney movies instead of watching the actual films.  But, as I grew up and was influenced by an amazing teacher in middle school, this passion for stories turned from one of reading to one of writing.


The final version expands on my draft by using more detailed storytelling.  My initial peer reviews commented that they felt a lack of emotion in my original draft, so this was something I made a point of working on throughout the revising process.  I have become accustomed to writing concisely via my business classes, so this is something I always have to be aware of.  


Since some facts were more meaningful to my storytelling, I decided to elaborate more on them.  I find it interesting, however, as I read through it later that I can see certain areas I would still like to make changes on in my paper.  This is clearly the perfectionist in me.


Since the conclusion was something I struggled with in my initial draft, this was a large point of emphasis in my revisions.  I changed it completely and decided to leave the paper more open ended.  Since I am not sure where writing will take me next, my goal was to end the paper reflecting this.  My hope in doing so was to give the reader the same sort of experience and emotional response to the topic that I was feeling when I wrote it.

In my draft, I had a difficult time writing the introduction.  It was a challenge to incorporate the narrative format that was done in the rest of my paper. 


As the draft continued, I took the reader through my childhood and the disconnect I felt with writing.  Since this disconnect was a huge part of my development in my paper, I was worried that I did not touch on it enough in the original draft and made a point of focusing on this in further edits. 


By the third page of the paper, I had developed to "present-day me".  I wanted to touch on the fact that I am a business student since this is an important part of my indentity as a writer.  In the final paper, I further analyzed this meaning of being a business student and made a point of making its importance more clear.


One of my biggest issues with my draft was my conclusion.  It was through talking with my Writing 220 teacher, Naomi Silver, that I realized I wanted to show the reader who I would like to become in the future with the skill set I have established thus far.  The original conclusion in this draft was eventually scrapped and re-written to accomplish this.

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